Three-pronged Approach
Planning, evaluation and communications are intricately entwined. At Kinexus, we believe there is power in combining these skill sets and providing clients with a full menu of support.
Examples of some of our past evaluation projects:
The National Capital Commission (NCC), Ottawa Evaluation Framework for 125th Canadian anniversary celebration – As Senior Evaluator at the NCC, Janet developed the evaluation framework at the same time staff created the celebrations for the 125th. Key stakeholders participated in the development of the framework and collaboratively developed objectives, outputs and outcomes for the anniversary celebrations. This upfront planning process led to buy in from all the stakeholders and the framework provided a means of determining whether a particular event met the overall criteria of the 125th anniversary. The framework kept the team focused and eliminated the “nice to have” activities that did not add to the overall objectives. Janet also completed a full evaluation of the children’s centre which was a major focus of the NCC’s 125th celebration.
The Royal BC Museum, Victoria BC, Summative Evaluation of a major exhibit, entitled “Whales” – Kinexus conducted in-depth interviews to determine overall visitor satisfaction and satisfaction with specific exhibit areas, the extent to which visitors received the intended message, and how the exhibit changed visitor’s attitudes, created a desire to learn more or take specific actions. We also looked at the effectiveness of various media used to convey the message, the ease of movement and ability to read the exhibit text. We used observational research to determine the effectiveness of “way finding”, and the areas that were most attractive to various audiences (children, teens, adults, seniors). We interviewed a variety of staff members to explore the level of seamlessness in the work carried out by curatorial and design staff, and the effectiveness of the overall management of the exhibit process. We conducted interviews with donors and sponsors to determine the level of satisfaction with their participation in the exhibit and with the recognition they received.
BC Hydro, Process Evaluation of Power Smart Programs in municipalities throughout the province of BC – In this evaluation Kinexus included a representative sample of mayors, city councillors and energy managers from small, medium and large communities from the various regions of the province. We interviewed Mayors from every corner of BC and held focus groups with city councils to determine the level of satisfaction with BC Hydro’s municipal energy saving program. We looked at levels of rebates received by municipalities versus the time spent in composing data and filling out forms. We recommended aspects of the program that should be discontinued and outlined ways of simplifying and streamlining in order to make the process more user friendly for municipalities.
Health Canada, National Drugs Directorate, Evaluation of Administrative Processes – For this evaluation Kinexus Consulting focused on conducting focus groups and leading interviews with large groups of union staff and management in the Drugs Directorate in Ottawa. We designed a new process that would speed up the awarding of first drug reviews to outside consultants and identified that the real problem was outside of the existing administrative process. We recommended several changes to address this issue which was unknown to management.
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